Whale Moon v1.4.0 apk
Requirements: Android v2.1+
Overview: World of moonlight ocean blue. Fantasy World, moon of night sky tempt whales.
Requirements: Android v2.1+
Overview: World of moonlight ocean blue. Fantasy World, moon of night sky tempt whales.
World of moonlight ocean blue.
Fantasy World, moon of night sky tempt whales.
Fantasy World, moon of night sky tempt whales.
Marine Life Live Wallpaper
Whale Moon v1.4.0
Two animations to enjoy!
Change other animation by scrolling.
Replay and pause by tap.
Whale Moon v1.4.0
Two animations to enjoy!
Change other animation by scrolling.
Replay and pause by tap.
*To use:Menu>Wallpapers>LiveWallpapers->Whale Moon
*Portrait only.
Whale Moon v1.4.0
*Please try the free version first.
<a href=”https://market.android.com/details?id=com.dmf.wall.WhaleMoonFree”>https://market.android.com/details?id=com.dmf.wall.WhaleMoonFree</a>
Whale Moon v1.4.0
*Please try the free version first.
<a href=”https://market.android.com/details?id=com.dmf.wall.WhaleMoonFree”>https://market.android.com/details?id=com.dmf.wall.WhaleMoonFree</a>
*The scrolling depends behavior of Home application.
If scrolling does not work or something strange, try to check Home app’s settings.
(scrolling speed, overshoot, etc.)
If scrolling does not work or something strange, try to check Home app’s settings.
(scrolling speed, overshoot, etc.)
*Please resetting if the screen turn black when updating it with setting the wallpaper.
Free Whale Moon v1.4.0 apk
Labels: Android Apps