Android All-In-One (Optimizer) v1.99.2
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: IT'S JUST THAT EASY!! - Optimize, Repair, Fix, Speed Up, and Super charge your Android! Plus Destroy Running Tasks, and Uninstall Apps with 1-click!
IT'S JUST THAT EASY!! - Optimize, Repair, Fix, Speed Up, and Super charge your Android! Plus Destroy Running Tasks, and Uninstall Apps with 1-click!
*The first of it's kind, Android All-In-One Optimizes and Repairs ALL 3 core components of your phone- Your battery, your memory, and your processor (CPU).
*Don't waste your money on loaded down apps with TONS of information but are cluttered, confusing, overpriced, and seldom actually do anything positive for you!
*Run Smart CPU once (and after reboot) and let your processor free up memory, optimize how programs interact with your phone, control/optimize temperature & voltages, and even automatically delegate memory while the phone's screen is off and all on its own with intelligence!
*Constant Updates and new 1-click Android functions will be added all the time.
*Supercharge your battery by extending it's life AND speeding up it's charge time with 1 click!
*Optimize all new processing speeds and a much more intelligent Processor with 1-click Smart CPU! A smarter AND easier way to let your processor do all the thinking with less battery usage!(Full functionality with root phones)
*Unlock MEGA memory allowing your Android phone to understand speed it has never seen before! Response time will increase severely!(This one REQUIRES a ROOT phone!)
*Designed to be simple, each 1-click button is a powerhouse of functions (and even technology only found here!) that allows you to easily find, and run these Full optimizations/repairs for Every Aspect of your Android, not just some of them!
*No more lagging when you play games!
*Full Battery Information, Voltage and Android statuses.
*Full Task Killer and App Uninstaller.
*Whether you're an experienced programmer looking to supercharge your phone to all new heights, or you've just bought your first Android phone and you want to easily make everything better with just a button, the Android All-In-One Optimizer gives you the power to unlock the TRUE potential of your phone like never before!
*Finally you can have the fastest phone among your friends!
*Brand NEW optimizing technology!
Dedicated SmartReflex hardware implements a feedback loop - without processor intervention
which optimizes the voltage levels to account for differences in the manufacturing process, temperature and silicon degradation. And it will be even able to Enable system for hitting retention during idle!
Internet: to access updates
Bluetooth: to handle bluetooth settings
Wifi-state: handle wifi-state
Phone-state: handle/optimize Android settings
Network state: optimize internet settings
Write-settings: optimize Android settings
Get-Tasks: get application information for uninstall/task-killer
Battery-Stats- optimize battery settings
Native- Future Rooting Purposes
Tested on Nexus S, S2, HTC Hero, HTC ThunderBolt, Samsung Gravity Signt589 Epic, Galaxy S1, Galaxy S2, Droid, DroidX,, and more.
Although this app works the best on rooted phones, (1-click Auto-Root Coming Soon to updates!!), it will still optimize unrooted phones fully to their extent!
Any comments OR suggestions for a 1-click powerhouse idea to make your phone better and easier for you just let us know (or contact me at and we will do our best to get it in the next update! We ask that you will contact us first (and we will response asap that day) with any problems, bugs, or comments before giving us a single-star and a bad review. We strive for your happiness and WILL create a customized solution for every client that needs one! Just PLEASE email us first! 

Thanks again and enjoy 

Android Team X
(Side Note::: Optimizations need to be set after each reboot.)
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Labels: Android Apps