Fixed 4.2 Clock Widget Donate apk v1.2.1 download

Fixed 4.2 Clock Widget Donate v1.2.1
Requirements: 4.2+
Overview: This is the Android 4.2 clock widget, but with the entire time displayed in Roboto Light. It can be used as both a launcher widget and a lockscreen widget.
To use, select “Fixed Clock” as the widget from the launcher (to add it to your homescreen) and/or the lockscreen (to add it there).
There is also a “Fixed Clock Center” widget which additionally vertically centers the widget in whatever space it has available.
This will NOT change anything simply by installing. You must add the new widget manually.
A Daydream is also available.
You can also configure the clock font to be Light, Regular, or Bold and configure the date and alarm to be Condensed Bold, Condensed, Light, or Regular. You can also make the date and alarm all caps or not. You can also choose to never show the alarm.
Starting in Version 1.2, you can configure a color for the clock, the date, and the alarm. A preset list of colors is available to everyone and those who have the donate version can select from a full color palette for each.
What’s in this version:
- Fixed bug in 1.2 update that caused the clock to be invisible until color settings were set.
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Free Fixed 4.2 Clock Widget Donate v1.2.1 apk

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